Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 2:09am

Welcome message from the Chief Judge and Trial Court Administrator

Welcome to the website of Florida’s Tenth Judicial Circuit, which includes Hardee, Highlands and Polk Counties. We hope that you find the information on our site helpful as you navigate your way through our judicial system for a particular purpose or just wish to learn more about our justice system and the services and programs that are available. Florida’s court system is an independent branch of government that is established by the Constitution for the fair and just resolution of disputes that arise in a civilized society and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws of the United States and the State of Florida.

Our goal is to be accessible, fair, effective, responsive and accountable. The judges and court staff in this circuit will strive daily to meet these goals and to instill public trust and confidence in our court system. We will also carry out our duties in a professional and civil manner, both in and out of the courtroom and aspire to maintain the highest ethical standards of performance.

James A. Yancey, Chief Judge
Nick Sudzina, Trial Court Administrator

Florida’s Tenth Judicial Circuit: “Where Professionalism Is a Priority”

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