Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 8:47am

Self Help (Pro Se) Services


The Self Help Program of the 10th Judicial Circuit was implemented in January, 1995, pursuant to a Supreme Court Mandate requiring all circuits to provide assistance to the public in gaining access to the Court in domestic relations matters. Types of cases involved include, but are not limited to, Dissolution of Marriage, Paternity, Step-Parent Adoption, Name Changes, Custody by Extended Family, modifications and enforcements. The purpose of the Self-Help Program is to assist the self-represented litigant with general information and requirements for compliance in such matters. The Self-Help Program is prohibited from providing legal advice.

Packets, forms, checklists, and filing costs may be obtained from the Clerk of Court (Family Law Division) in Polk, Highlands, and Hardee counties. Additional forms may be downloaded from the Florida Supreme Court website at (Family Law Forms). In certain situations, available forms may not be appropriate for filing. Litigants are urged to consult with an attorney or document preparer regarding forms which are not available.

For more information about the Self-Help Programs in Polk County and its services, please call (863) 534-4015, for Hardee County please contact the Clerk of Court (Family Law Division) and for Highlands County, please call (863) 402-6618. The staff is available to assist Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. If all lines are busy, you may leave a message and your call will be returned.


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