Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 7:46am

Problem Solving Court

Call the color line for daily colors: (863) 534-5828

 CARF Accredited

2022 Polk County Problem Solving Courts Graduation Ceremony

Substance Use and Behavioral Health Specialty Programs

Modeled after nationally recognized drug courts, it offers a continuum of drug education and treatment alternatives. The court proceedings are unique in that they are non-adversial in nature with a dedicated Judge and multi-displinary team who oversees each participant’s progress and holds them accountable for their actions while receiving treatment. Problem Solving Court programs are court-supervised, comprehensive treatment courts for eligible non-violent defendants. The voluntary programs involve appearances before a PSC Judge, treatment and frequent, random testing for substance use. PSC exists to provide participants with the opportunity to become productive, substance free members of the community while increasing public safety and reducing crime in a cost effective manner. Treatment and case management services focuses on abstinence and stabilization through case management, individual and group counseling, support groups, decision making skills, peer and family relationships. Clients process the cause and effects of substance use and behavioral health concerns in their lives. Topics such as honesty, positive thinking, trust, acceptance, self-esteem, forgiveness and negative effects of using mind altering substances are discussed in the programs. Treatment and participation plans are individualized to client needs.


The Mission of the Polk County Drug Court is to provide all of its clients with high quality drug treatment services and care in accordance with the principles of best practice and due process and the philosophy of the Drug Court Model.

Vision and Focus

The vision of the Polk County Drug Court is to promote the wellness of our clients and improve their overall quality of life through insight, accountability and behavior change.

The Polk County Drug Court will provide strong intervention and treatment services for youth and adults thereby promoting client accountability, and improving public safety.

Program Description

The Problem Solving Court is a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment program for nonviolent defendants. This is a program which includes regular court appearances before a designated Problem Solving Court Judge, treatment which includes; drug testing, individual/group counseling, and regular attendance at support group meetings. The Problem Solving Court Program is a combined effort of the Recovery Support Services, State Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Court Administration, the Department of Corrections, County Probation and Department of Juvenile Justice. Program participants will be assisted with obtaining education and skills assessments and will be provided referrals for vocational training, education and/or job placement services and other identified services. The program length, determined by each participant’s progress will be based upon specific program guidelines. However, you could be extended in the program in order to graduate or complete prior to program guidelines based upon progress in the program.Final determination of entry into the program shall ONLY be made by the Judge with recommendation form the State Attorney, defense counsel, probation and Problem Solving Court treatment team.

Contact Information

Phone: (863) 534 - 4503
Fax: (863) 534 - 7703

Director, Problem Solving Courts

Jim Clanton


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